Three New Year’s Resolutions for your teeth

You only get one set of adult teeth, so looking after them and making choices to keep them healthy will not only maintain your smile but save you money in the long term. Small changes to your daily routine can allow you to nip problems in the bud and prevent plaque turning to decay, resulting in fillings or extractions.

If you already have extensive damage to your teeth or have even lost a tooth, investing in a solution recommended by your dentist not only gives you back your full smile, but it also vastly reduces the risk of future infections or jawbone recession, and maintains your dental health.


  1. Replace that missing tooth.

A gap in your smile can knock your confidence and make you more hesitant to smile. Whilst there are various options for replacing a missing tooth or multiple teeth, dental implants are the best long-term solution.

Implanted into the jawbone so that they’re secure and the jawbone remains stimulated, they act exactly as a natural tooth would. This stops the jawbone from receding and maintains the natural shape of your jaw. The implant also looks aesthetically just like a real tooth and fills the gap in the gums, meaning less chance of infection – not just at the site of the implant, but for the surrounding teeth too.

Dental implants can be used to replace single or multiple teeth and we also offer bridge solutions for neighboring teeth that need to be replaced. They are super-low maintenance, and just require regular cleaning and flossing as you would with your natural teeth. If looked after properly, they can last a lifetime.

Click here to learn about the different dental implant treatments we offer.


  1. Make your diet tooth friendly.

Many make eating healthier a new year’s resolution, but have you considered the impact of your diet on your teeth? Cutting out staining or eroding food and drink will mean your enamel stays strong, your teeth are less likely to decay and your smile stays brighter.

Avoiding drinks like red wine and coffee is ideal, but simply using a straw when drinking these will greatly reduce how much of the liquid touches your teeth, therefore limiting the damage.  Sugary food and drinks can corrode the teeth. You may have started drinking lots of healthy fruit smoothies this January, but whilst full of nutrients, they can corrode your enamel. Investing in a reusable straw will protect your teeth for years to come!

A simple swill with water will also help to remove excess sugar from your mouth and prevent it sitting on the tooth for several hours.


  1. Optimise your daily brushing routine.

We all know to brush our teeth every day, but are you sure you’re doing this for 2 minutes every time? Try setting a timer on your phone and see how long you are actually brushing for – you might be surprised!

Try to floss regularly too. Debris lodged between the teeth can often be stuck for over a week without being noticeable. When you floss, make sure to go down each side of the tooth and over the ‘triangle’ of gum between them. Flossing is that bit of extra reassurance that when you’ve cleaned your teeth, you really have cleaned every bit of your mouth!


If you want more advice on looking after your teeth at home, click here to check out our dedicated advice page.

For more information about dental implant treatment, you can get in touch with us by calling 01873 857400 or clicking here.